The call of gravel could be heard in the distance when I woke up this morning. I answered it. I would leave 'Big Mama' on the hook as I saddled up Chili. I felt a weird vibe in the garage as one steed remained and the other hung in the stand getting final preps, I was caught in the middle. Wait a second, I own these bikes, I get to choose which one to ride! It would be Chili and we'd go in search of my beloved "Fox Farm" road north of Duluth, Minnesota. It takes a little over an hour to get there, but once you're there it's so worth it.
A view from the cockpit shows exactly what I mean. No traffic, no people yelling at you because you're riding a bike, just the occasional squirrel or crow.
My nemesis, Jorge lives inside my GPS and he was demanding that I hold a certain mph today. I hate/love little Jorge. Today I would be the victor. I must be honest and give credit to the 'roadie' that was trying to get on my wheel for 45 minutes as I came back into Duluth via the north shore of the Gitchee Gummee. Thanks buddy, I really buried myself trying to keep you away from me.
I also got to field test my new Mountain Tangle from Revelate Designs. Eric Parsons created this killer frame bag that can hold it all. I'm told the boys from Salsa helped at it's point of conception.
Halfway through the 'Fox Farm' and lovin' every minute of it. Usually I can't feel my toes when I cross this bridge. So nice to be riding this road in the summer. It was one of those "Too bad I'm by myself rides" or "I'm glad I'm by myself". I think you know what I mean...