Thursday, August 25, 2011

South Dakota Bound!

Alas, off to South Dakota and the Dakota Five-O, not to mention some sweet riding all over the freakin' place. We'll also be posing as total tourists, complete with tours of all the spectacles. Can't wait!

Spearfish, watch out I'm bringin' my Spearfish. Think positive thoughts for me on Sept. 4th. I'll be rippin' it the best that I can.



Ben Welnak said...

Good luck! Looking forward to a race report!

Anonymous said...

Be sure to soak the legs in the cool spring fed Spearfish Creek at the finishm oh - and don't forget to ROCK THE SUCKER!


MG said...

And rip it you did... Great work once again, Eki. It was inspiring to ride with you, my brother!

Until next time,